We have many opportunities for you to advertise and promote your products on TheGamingSEO.com. If you do not see something below that is exactly what you are looking for please don’t hesitate to contact us at advertising {@} thegamingseo.com with your proposal and we will consider it and get back to you.

Banner Ads:

We have opportunities available for banner ads (both site wide / page specific). Depending on the size requirement of your ad, placement, and running time of the ad will determine the pricing for it. If you are interested, feel free to contact us at advertising {@} thegamingseo.com with your proposal.

Sponsored Reviews:

As we don’t always have the funds or time to go out and play / review everything out there in the gaming world, we have decided to accept sponsored reviews.

What You Get: Your gaming product or service will be reviewed by one of our writers. We will then publish a review article of at least 1,000 words, which will appear on the TheGamingSEO.com homepage in the reviews section, including pictures/screenshots/video, with exposure to our always growing audience. The review as all of our posts will get mentioned on our various social media outlets further adding to your exposure.

Reviews are impartial, which means we will give our candid opinion of what we are reviewing. There are no guarantees for a 100% positive review and we will write about any less-than-good aspects of your offer as well as the good parts. There will also be a disclosure at the end of the review stating that we did receive the product / service for review but that it will in no way effect our judgement of said product / service.

Benefits: You will receive front page exposure, several links to your website helping with SEO and traffic and a permanent article on our site.

Instructions: Please send your proposal to us at advertising {@} thegamingseo.com and we will discuss the opportunity with you in more detail at that time.