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Let’s Team Up!

Hey there! Looking to get your gaming goodies in front of other passionate (and sometimes grumpy) gamers who also happen to appreciate a good SEO strategy? You’ve come to the right place. TheGamingSEO is my personal playground, and I’m open to a couple of ways we can work together:

Banner Ads:

  • I’ve got some prime real estate for your banners, whether you want them site-wide or on specific pages. Just shoot me an email at advertising @ thegamingseo.com with your ideal size, placement, and how long you want to run the ad, and we’ll work out the pricing.

Sponsored Reviews:

Look, I’m a 46-year-old dad with a day job. I don’t always have the time or funds to play every new game. So, if you want your game, gadget, or service reviewed, I’m open to sponsored reviews. Here’s the deal:

  • I’ll give your product a thorough playthrough (or use).
  • I’ll write up an honest, 1000+ word review with pictures, screenshots, maybe even a video if I’m feeling ambitious.
  • The review gets prime real estate on the homepage and shared on my social media channels.

Important: I keep it real. No guarantees of a glowing review. If something’s not great, I’ll say so. I’ll also be upfront about the sponsorship, but that won’t sway my judgement.

The upside? Front-page exposure, some sweet SEO-friendly links, and a permanent spot on my site.

Sound good? Drop me a line at advertising @ thegamingseo.com with your proposal, and let’s chat!

Remember: I’m always open to new ideas. If you’ve got a unique advertising concept, don’t hesitate to share it.